The National Classification Committee publishes guidelines to identify the freight class that relates to average density, stow ability, and valuation. ExFreight uses dimensional based pricing so your class will be based on the total average density of your shipment. Please use the density chart below to find your freight class.
50lbs or greater per cubic foot = class 50
35lbs-49.9lbs per cubic foot = class 55
30lbs-34.9lbs per cubic foot = class 60
22.5lbs-29.9lbs per cubic foot = class 65
15lbs-22.4lbs per cubic foot = class 70
13.5lbs-14.9lbs per cubic foot = class 77.5
12lbs-13.4lbs per cubic foot = class 92.5
9lbs-11.9lbs per cubic foot = class 100
8lbs-8.9lbs per cubic foot = class 110
7lbs-7.9lbs per cubic foot = class 125
6lbs-6.9lbs per cubic foot = class 150
5lbs-5.9lbs per cubic foot = class 200
3lbs-4.9lbs per cubic foot = class 250
2lbs-2.9lbs per cubic foot = class 300
1lbs-1.9lbs per cubic foot = class 400
>1lbs per cubic foot = class 500
The higher the class the higher the rate.
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