If you have your unique 10 digit ExFreight tracking number, you can track your shipment by logging in to Exfresso which is our online web portal. You can also track your shipment on our website via our public tracking link. If you don’t have your tracking number buy you have a login and booked the shipment under your own account you can search for the shipment in the search bar using one or more of the following pieces of information on the shipment you are looking for:
- Shipment Status
- Shipper Name
- Shipper PO Number
- Consignee Name
- Consignee PO Number
- Container numbers
- Pro number
- Booking number
- Leg Status
- Accounting code
- Customer Name
- Shipper city
- Consignee city
- Carrier name
- Carrier SCAC
- ExFreight shipment Bill of Lading:
- the numeric part of bol number
- full bol number
- last four characters
- last 5 characters
- last 6 characters
The delayed status means either that the shipment has not been confirmed picked up yet and it’s past the scheduled pick up date, OR if it’s already been picked up and the shipment is late to the next terminal or transfer point in its journey. This does not necessarily mean that the shipment will not deliver by its originally scheduled delivery date, but It does however mean it’s falling behind schedule.
This status means that the shipment requires export documentation, and it has not been uploaded or provided by the shipper yet. This may cause a delay as we cannot export cargo without a commercial invoice and packing list and completed export declaration.
Late status means that your shipment is currently enroute and its past the originally scheduled delivery date.
On Time status means your shipment is currently enroute and not beyond the expected delivery date of the current stage of the shipment.
If you are logged into Exfresso you can view the ETAs on the main shipment search page as well as the public tracking page. The current ETA is the last calendar date listed. In the below example image you can see Jan 10th is the current ETA.
If you are logged into Exfresso and viewing the specific shipment details you can see the current ETA at the top of the screen beside the pick-up and delivery addresses. In the example below, you will see its currently Nov 10th